St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida 
The Rev. George D Young, Jr., sermon
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster
Clifford Newton and Peter Voisin, trumpets
Kevin Perryman, tympani
David Page and James Sloan, pipes
Bruce Nessmith, field drum
Sunday, April 21, 2002 - Hymnal 1982 
Fourth Sunday of Easter
St. George's Day (transferred)

5:00pm - Festal Choral Evensong and Sermon in commemoration of Saint George, Martyr
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Georg Frederick Handel
Excerpt from "Scipione"
1) Processional March
Prelude Georg Frederick Handel Excerpt from "Sonata in G Major"
1) Bourrée
Prelude Georg Frederick Handel Excerpt from "Judas Maccabeus"
1) See The Conquering Hero
(arrangement for trumpets and organ)
Introit William H Harris Holy is the true light
(Novello 29 0577)
Hymn tune: St. Anne  #680 "O God, our help in ages past"
Pipes   Mist Covered Mountains
Responses John Barnard Preces and Responses in A
A Keith Spence, Lay Cantor
Psalm chant: John Robinson
#122 "I was glad when they said"
Canticle Charles Villiers Stanford
Excerpt from "Service in G Major" ("Morning and Evening Service") (Op 81) 
1) Magnificat 
(Stainer & Bell 142)
Cynthia Valentine, soprano
Canticle Charles Villiers Stanford Excerpt from "Service in G Major" ("Morning and Evening Service") (Op 81) 
1) Nunc Dimittis 
(Stainer & Bell 142)
Paul Fisher, baritone
Creed monotoned  
Lord's Prayer monotoned  
Collects and Grace   A Keith Spence, Lay Cantor
Offering Henry Purcell
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes
Richard Fair, tenor
Michael Miller, baritone
Hymn tune: Ellacombe #210 "The day of Resurrection!"
Presentation of Standards Henry Purcell Trumpet Tune in C Major
Patriotic Anthem tune: National Anthem #720 "O say can you see"
Patriotic Anthem   "God save our gracious Queen"
Hymn tune: Jerusalem "And did those feet in ancient times"
Hymn tune: Truro #182 "Christ is alive!"
Pipes   Scotland the Brave
Postlude Modest P Mussorgski
Excerpts from "Pictures At An Exhibition"
1) Promenade
2) The Great Gate Of Kiev

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