St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Rt. Rev. Stephen H Jecko, Bishop of Florida
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida 
The Rev. Larry G Wilkes, sermon
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster
Sunday, September 21 2003 - Hymnal 1982 
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

5:00pm - Ordination of Deacons
(Jean Carrison Dodd, Jo Ann Smith Hoskins, deacon ordinands)
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Robin Milford
Chorale Prelude on "St. Columba", Op. 14
Prelude Healey Willan
Prelude on "St. Columba"
Hymn tune: St. Columba #645 "The King of love my shepherd is"
Litany Anonymous #S390 Litany for Ordinations
Richard Fair, Litanist
Hymn tune: Hymn To Joy #376 "Joyful, joyful, we adore thee"
Hymn tune: Veni Creator Spiritus #504 "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire"
Offering Thomas Attwood
Teach me, O Lord
(Anthems for Choirs 1, Oxford)
Sanctus Richard Proulx
(b 1937)
#S125 (from "A Community Mass")
Acclamation adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947)
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Henry Walford Davies
Blessed are the pure in heart
Communion John Rutter
(b 1945)
God be in my head
(Oxford 94.326)
Communion tune Litton #347 "Go forth for God"
Communion tune: Bingham #585 "Morning glory, starlit sky"
Hymn tune: Crucifer #473 "Lift high the cross"
Postlude Andre Campra

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