St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Rt. Rev. Samuel Johnson Howard, Bishop of Florida
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida 
The Rev Dr. Richard Turk, sermon
John Barry, Canon for Music
Nancy Reiser, Organist/Choirmaster, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville
John Parkyn, Organist/Choirmaster, Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Augustine
Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - Hymnal 1982 

7:00pm - Ordination of Deacons
(Thomas Edward Beasley, Jr., Sandra Ann Tull, deacon ordinands)
Cathedral Choir
Choir of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville
Choir of  Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Augustine
Hymn tune: Aurelia #525 "The Church's one foundation"
Hymn tune: Munich #632 "O Christ, the Word Incarnate"
Hymn tune: Veni Creator Spiritus #504 "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire"
Offering Harold W Friedell
Draw us in the Spirit's tether
Sanctus Robert Powell
(b 1932)
Communion tune: Bridegroom #513 "Like the murmur of the dove's song"
Communion tune: Abbot's Leigh #511 "Holy Spirit, ever living"
Communion tune: Chereponi #602 "Jesu, Jesu"
Communion tune Wylde Green #630 "Thanks to God whose Word was spoken"
Hymn tune: Crucifer #473 "Lift high the cross"
Postlude William Babell
Prelude in G Major

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