St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Rt. Rev. Samuel Johnson Howard, Bishop of Florida
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida 
The Rev. George D Young, III, sermon
John Barry, Canon for Music
Clifford Newton and Don Reynolds, trumpets
Marc Dickman and Karl Koppenberger, trombones
Jonah Pierre, percussion
Tony Steve, tympani
Sunday, December 11, 2005 - Hymnal 1982 
Third Sunday in Advent

5:00pm - Ordination of Priests
(John Edward Commins, Lisa Christen Flores, Wallace Malcom Jopling, William Terry Miller, Jr., priest ordinands)
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Bob Moore Music for Brass, Percussion, and Tympani
Prelude Tony Steve Chorale Prelude on "Kingsfold"
Prelude Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Excerpt from "Missa Sanctorum Meritis"
1) Kyrie
(arranged for brass and tympani)
Hymn tune: St. Patrick’s Breastplate #370 "I bind unto myself this day"
Litany Anonymous #S390 Litany for Ordinations
Michael Miller, Litanist
Hymn tune: Gott Sei Dank #530 "Spread, O spread, thou mighty word"
Hymn tune: Come Holy Ghost #503 "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire"
Offering Paul Manz E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come
(MorningStar MSM-50-1)
Sanctus David Hurd
(b 1950)
Acclamation adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947)
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Bob Moore Christ the Way of Life
(GIA G-4942)
Communion arr Edgar Pettman The angel Gabriel from heaven came
Communion John Carol Case The Angel's Carol (1993) 
Sarah Sasen, soprano
(Banks Music Publications ECS 296)
Communion tune: General Seminary #382 "King of glory, King of peace"
Communion tune: Land Of Rest #304 "I come with joy to meet my Lord"
Communion tune: St. Thomas (Williams) #411 "O bless the Lord, my soul!"
Hymn tune: Aurelia #525 "The Church's one foundation"
Postlude Georg Frederick Handel
Excerpt from "Judas Maccabeus"
1) March

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