10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | Johannes Brahms
(1833-1897) |
Chorale Prelude on "O World, I Now Must Leave Thee" |
Introit | Jacob Arcadelt
(1505?-1568) |
Hear my prayer |
Hymn | tune: King's Weston | #435 "At the Name of Jesus" |
Kyrie | Healey Willan
(1880-1968) |
(from "Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena") |
Psalm | chant: Matthew Camidge
(1758-1844) |
#130 "Out of the deep" |
Hymn | tune: Rockingham | #474 "When I survey the wondrous cross" |
Offering | Franz Joseph Haydn
(1732-1809) |
from "Missa Brevis de St. Joannis de Deo"
1) Agnus Dei |
Sanctus | Healey Willan | #S114
(from "Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena") |
Agnus Dei | Healey Willan | #S158
(from "Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena") |
Communion | Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) |
Chorale Prelude on "Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide", BWV 649 |
Communion | Healey Willan
(1880-1968) |
O how sweet, O
(HW Gray GCMR 00716) |
Hymn | tune: Crucifer | #473 "Lift high the cross" |
Postlude | Johann Sebastian Bach | Fantasia in a minor |
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