10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | Alec Rowley | Benedictus |
Introit | Everett Titcomb
(1885-1968) |
Antiphon of Spring
(Birchard 2058) |
Hymn | tune: Victory | #208 "The strife is o'er, the battle done" |
Pascha Nostrum | tune: Sine Nomine | #880 (Wonder, Love and Praise)
"God's Paschal Lamb" |
Psalm | chant: Edward Cuthbert Bairstow
(1874-1946) |
#16 "Preserve me, O God" |
Hymn | tune: Ellacombe | #210 "The day of Resurrection!" |
Alleluia and Verse | Mode viii | Alleluia
Rebecca Andrews, lay cantor |
Offering | arr Alfred Whitehead | Now let the heavens be joyful |
Hymn | tune: Old 100th | #380, verse 3 "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow" |
Sanctus | Richard Proulx
(b 1937) |
#S125 (from "A Community Mass") |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Fraction | adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933) |
#S152 |
Communion | Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) |
Chorale Prelude on "The Holy Savior Is Arisen!" |
Communion | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
(1525-1594) |
Te, Christe
(EC Schirmer 1760) |
Hymn | tune: Truro | #182 "Christ is alive!" |
Postlude | Felix Mendelssohn
(1809-1847) |
from "Sonata IV in B-flat Major"
1) Allegro con brio |
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