St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Katherine Moorehead, Dean of Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Sunday, October 9, 2011 - Hymnal 1982 
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude William Walond Cornet Voluntary
Introit Frederick A Gore Ouseley
From the rising of the sun
(Anthems for Choirs 1, Oxford)
Hymn tune: Tysk #475 "God himself is with us"
Canticle John Rutter
(b 1945)
#S236 Canticle 13
Psalm chant: Thomas Jackson #106:1-6, 19-23 "O give thanks unto the Lord"
Hymn tune: General Seminary #382 "King of glory, King of peace"
Offering Percy W Whitlock
Be still, my soul
Hymn tune: Decatur Place #51, verses 1 & 4 "We the Lord's People"
Sanctus Richard Proulx
(b 1937)
#S125 (from "A Community Mass")
Acclamation adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947)
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Julius Reubke
Excerpt from "Sonata on the 94th Psalm"
1) Thy comfort enlargeth my soul
Communion Malcolm Archer Author of life divine (c 1995)
(Mayhew/Brodt KM 135)
Communion tune: Picardy #324 "Let all mortal flesh keep silence"
Hymn tune: Marion #556 "Rejoice, ye pure in heart"
Postlude Julius Reubke Excerpt from "Sonata on the 94th Psalm"
1) Fugue

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