9:30am - Liturgy of the Palms
The Blessing of Palms and the Procession begin in Hemming Plaza, about
4 blocks from the Cathedral. The congregations of St. Philip's Episcopal
Church, First United Methodist Church, The Salvation Army, Historic Mt.
Zion AME Church, and St. John’s Cathedral process together up Church Street
to their respective churches.
10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | Johannes Brahms
(1833-1897) |
Chorale Prelude on "Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen" |
Prelude | John Baptiste Faure | The Palms |
Introit | Giovanni Biordi | Jerusalem |
Hymn | tune: Valet Will Ich Dir Gehen | #154 "All glory, laud, and honor" |
Psalm | chant: Joseph Barnby
(1838-1896) |
#31:9-16 "Thou hast not shut me up" |
Hymn | tune: Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen | #168 "O sacred head, sore wounded" |
Offering | Georg Frederick Handel
(1685-1759) |
from "Messiah"
1) Lift up your heads, O ye gates (G Schirmer) |
Sanctus | Healey Willan
(1880-1968) |
(from "Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena") |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Agnus Dei | Healey Willan | #S158
(from "Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena") |
Communion | Georg Frederick Handel | Arioso-Thanks be to Thee |
Communion | Felice Anerio
(1560-1614) |
Christus factus
(EC Schirmer 349) |
Communion | Everett Titcomb
(1885-1968) |
Hosanna to the Son of David |
Communion | tune: Horsley | #167 "There is a green hill far away" |
Communion | tune: Love Unknown | #458 "My song is love unknown" |
Hymn | tune: Wondrous Love | #439 "What wondrous love is this" |
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