10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | Johann
Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) |
"Cantata 208 - Was mir weiden"
1) Happy flocks in safety wander" |
Introit | Edward
Cuthbert Bairstow
(1874-1946) |
the very thought of Thee
(Oxford A5) |
Hymn | tune: Laudate Dominum | #432 "O praise ye the Lord!" |
Canticle | John
Goss (1800-1880) |
#S230 II Canticle 12 |
Hymn | tune: Dulce Carmen | #559 "Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us" |
Offering | Anonymous | Rejoice
in the Lord alway
(A Sixteenth Century Anthem Book, Oxford) |
Hymn | tune: Decatur Place | #51, verses 1 & 4 "We the Lord's People" |
Sanctus | Richard
(b 1937) |
#S125 (from "A Community Mass") |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce
E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Fraction | adapted Mason
(b 1933) |
#S152 |
Communion | Gerald Near | Chorale Prelude on "Aberystwyth" |
Communion | Gerald Near | Chorale Prelude on "O Lamm Gottes" |
Communion | Christopher Tye
(1505?-1572?) | Give almes of
thy goods
(Anthems for Choirs, Oxford) |
Communion | tune: Unde et memores | #337 "And now, O Father, mindful of the love" |
Hymn | tune: Aberystwyth | #699 "Jesus, lover of my soul" |
Postlude | Gordon Jacob
(1895-1984) | A Festival Flourish |
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