10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | The H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Patricia Black, directress |
Introit | Adrian Batten
(1591-1637?) | O sing joyfully!
(A Sixteenth Century Anthem Book, Oxford) |
Hymn | tune: Lauda Anima | #410 "Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven" |
Canticle | John Goss (1800-1880) | #S230 II Canticle 12 |
Hymn | tune: St. Ethelwald | #628 "Help us, O Lord, to learn" |
Offering | Franz Joseph Haydn
(1732-1809) | Great and Glorious
(Belwin Mills 64065) |
Hymn | tune: Decatur Place | #51, verses 1 & 4 "We the Lord's People" |
Sanctus | Richard
(b 1937) |
#S125 (from "A Community Mass") |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce
E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Fraction | adapted Mason
(b 1933) |
#S152 |
Communion | The H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale | |
Hymn | tune: Morning Light | #561 "Stand up, stand up for Jesus" |
Postlude | Charles-Marie Widor
(1845-1937) | Excerpt
from "Organ Symphony in F, Op. 42, #5
1) Toccata |
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