10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | William Boyce
(1711-1779) | Introduction and Double Fugue in G Major |
Introit | William Mudd | Let thy
merciful ears, O Lord
(Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems, Oxford) |
Hymn | tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen | #400 "All creatures of our God and King" |
Gloria | T Tertius Noble
(1867-1953) | Excerpt
from "Communion Service in b minor"
1) Gloria |
Psalm | chant: Dr Edward John Bayne
(b 1948) | #8 "O Lord our Governor" |
Hymn | tune: Royal Oak | #405 "All things bright and beautiful" |
Offering | William Lovelock
(1899-1986) | O praise
God in His holiness
(Oxford A156) |
Hymn | tune: Old 100th | #380, verse 3 "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow" |
Sanctus | T Tertius Noble | Excerpt
from "Communion Service in b minor"
1) Sanctus |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce
E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Fraction | adapted Mason
(b 1933) |
#S152 |
Communion | Louis Vierne
(1870-1937) | Excerpt
from "Vingt quatre pieces en style libre" 1) Berceuse |
Communion | Thomas Tallis
(1505?-1585) | If ye love me
(Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems, Oxford) |
Communion | tune: Love Unknown | #458 "My song is love unknown" |
Hymn | tune: Hyfrydol | #657 "Love divine, all loves excelling" |
Postlude | Louis Vierne | Excerpt
from "Vingt-quatre pieces en style libre"
1) Carillon |
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