10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude | Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) |
Chorale Prelude on "Sleepers, Wake!" |
Antiphon | plainsong | "O Wisdom, which hast come out
of the mouth of the Most High"
Paul Fisher, cantor |
Antiphon | plainsong | "O Adonai, the leader of the
house of Israel"
Paul Fisher, cantor |
Hymn | tune: Veni, Veni Emmanuel | #56 "O come, O come, Emmanuel, verses 1 - 3 |
Magnificat | Betty Carr Pulkingham
(b 1928) |
#S247 (from "Cathedral
of the Isles")
Rebecca Andrews, cantor |
Hymn | tune: Es flog ein kleins Waldvogelein | #616 "Hail to the Lord's Annointed" |
Offering | Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
(1525-1594) | Alma Redeptoris
Paul Fisher, baritone |
Hymn | tune: Stuttgart | #66 "Come, thou long-expected Jesus" |
Sanctus | David Hurd
(b 1950) |
#S124 |
Acclamation | adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947) |
#S366 |
Fraction | adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933) |
#S152 |
Communion | Johannes Brahms
(1833-1897) |
Chorale Prelude on "Behold, a Rose breaks into bloom" |
Antiphon | plainsong | "Drop down, ye heavens,
from above"
Paul Fisher, cantor |
Prose | plainsong | "Be not wroth very sore, O Lord" |
Communion | Johannes Brahms | The White Dove |
Hymn | tune: Richmond | #72 "Hark the glad sound!" |
Postlude | Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) |
Prelude on "Come now, Savior of the Gentiles"
(Orgelbuchlein) |
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