St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Katherine Moorehead, Dean of Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Sunday, June 23, 2013 - Hymnal 1982 
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Madeleine DringExcerpt from "Trio for Flute, Oboe, and Piano
1) Andante semplice
Marianne Murray, flute
David Avery, oboe
Introit Christopher Tye
O Jesus, King most wonderful
(Concordia 98-1470)
Hymn tune: Leoni#372 "Praise to the living God"
Gloria Robert Powell
(b 1932)
Hymn tune: McKee#529 "In Christ there is no East or West"
Offering AnonymousRejoice in the Lord alway
(A Sixteenth Century Anthem Book, Oxford)
Hymn tune: Decatur Place #51, verses 1 & 4 "We the Lord's People"
Sanctus Robert Powell#S129
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Arcangelo CorelliSarabande
David Avery, oboe
Communion Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Sicut Cervus
Communion tune: Martyrdom#658 "As longs the deer for cooling streams"
Hymn tune: Hanover#388 "O worship the King"
Postlude John Rutter
(b 1945)
Toccata in Seven

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