St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Gustave Weltsek, Dean 
The Rev. Jesse London, Vicar, St. Gabriel's Church, Jacksonville, sermon 
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster (on leave)
Richard Fair, Interim Music Director
Karen Saint-John, Assistant Interim Music Director
Janet Schmidt, associate organist 
Wednesday, February 25, 1998 - Hymnal 1982 
Ash Wednesday

7:00pm - Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Cathedral Choir
Introit Richard Farrant
Hide not thou thy face
(Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems, Oxford)
Hymn tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr #143 "The glory of these forty days"
Hymn tune: Aus Der Tiefe Rufe Ich #150 "Forty days and forty nights"
Psalm chant: Joseph Pring
#43 "Give Sentence with me O God"
Psalm chant: Matthew Camidge
#130 "Out of the deep"
Offering William Byrd
Miserere mei
(Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems, Oxford)
Hymn tune: Olivet #691 "My faith looks up to thee"
Sanctus Robert Powell
(b 1932)
Communion Henry Loosemore
O Lord, increase our faith
(Tetra/Broude ABC 15)
Hymn tune: Old 124th #149 "Eternal Lord of love, behold your Church"

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