St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Gustave Weltsek, Dean 
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster (on leave)
Richard Fair, Interim Music Director
Karen Saint-John, Assistant Interim Music Director
Janet Schmidt, associate organist
Sunday, March 22, 1998 - Hymnal 1982 
Fourth Sunday in Lent

9:00am - Holy Eucharist [9]
Parish/Family Choir
11:15am - Holy Eucharist [11]
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Johann Sebastian Bach
Chorale Prelude on 
"I Called To Thee, Lord Jesus"
Prelude Richard Ellsasser Prelude on "Fairest Lord Jesus"
Introit Henry Walford Davies
God be in my head
Hymn tune: St. Columba #645 "The King of love my shepherd is"
Kyrie Robert Powell
(b 1932)
Kyrie Eleison
Hymn tune: Song 46 #328 "Draw nigh and take"
Offering John Goss
If we believe that Jesus died [11]
Hymn tune: Cross Of Jesus #160 "Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow"
Sanctus Robert Powell
(b 1932)
Communion tune: Slane #482 "Lord of all hopefulness"
Communion Maurice Durufle
Ubi caritas [11] 
(Theodore Presser 312-41243)
Hymn tune: Old 124th #149 "Eternal Lord of love, behold your Church"
Postlude Camil van Hulse Chorale Prelude on
"The Death Of Christ, Our Lord" (Op 80, No 18)

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