St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Gustave Weltsek, Dean 
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster 
The Rev. Hamilton P Fuller, Rector, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Jacksonville, Florida 
Nancy Reiser, Organist/Choirmaster, St. Mark's Episcopal Church 
Sunday, November 1, 1998 - Hymnal 1982 
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints' Day

5:00pm - Choral Evensong
Combined choirs of St. John's Cathedral and St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Prelude Charles Hubert Hastings Parry
Chorale Prelude on "Eventide"
Prelude Edward Elgar
Excerpt from "Enigma Variations" 
1) Nimrod
Prelude William H Harris Prelude in G Major
Introit John Goss
These are they which follow the Lamb (c 1859)
(Anthems for Choirs 1, Oxford)
Hymn tune: Zeuch Mich #286 "Who are these like stars appearing"
Preces John Barnard Preces and Responses in A
A Keith Spence, Lay Cantor
Psalm chant: Martin Luther
#46 "God is our hope and strength"
Canticle Alfred Herbert Brewer
Excerpt from "Service in D" (c 1927)
1) Magnificat
(Cathedral Music CM 314)
Canticle Alfred Herbert Brewer Excerpt from "Service in D" (c 1927)
1) Nunc Dimittis
(Cathedral Music CM 314)
Creed monotoned  
Lord's Prayer monotoned  
Offering Basil Harwood
O how glorious is the kingdom
(Worldwide Music)
Hymn tune: St. Clement #24 "The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended"
Postlude Antonio Vivaldi
Excerpt from "Concerto in a minor" 
1) Allegro 1

John Barry is the organist through the Grace; Nancy Reiser plays the remainder of the service.  They share directing duties.

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